Rob Gutteridge, graphite on paper, 2019.
The purpose of constructive figure drawing is to explore the relationship between a figure’s form and its structure. Constructive figure drawing redirects our motivation for drawing, away from an exclusive focus on surface appearance, toward an examination of its underlying causes. The workshop teaches specific drawing skills, strategies and techniques to facilitate constructive drawing. Students are enabled to reconstruct the figure and its parts, through drawing exercises designed to direct their attention to relationships connecting underlying structure and surface form. Course content covers: proportion, essential anatomy, planar and ovoid form concepts, tonal drawing, contour drawing, rhythm, gesture, and detail to mass hierarchy in visual organisation.
As well as these direct learning outcomes, the indirect outcomes to a student’s drawing practice will be: confidence in gestural drawing, clarity of intention when life drawing, improved life drawing (and painting) wherein surface appearance is underpinned by structural integrity. Teaching and drawing resources for this workshop are from the cast collection and anatomical models at the RGCR.
Dates: 10/11/19 – 15/12/19. 6 consecutive Sundays
Times: 10am – 4.45pm (45 minutes lunch)
Where: Rob Gutteridge School of Art (RGCR), 49a, Whitmore Square, Adelaide, SA
Minimum 4 students, maximum 10 students
Cost: $900.00 (10% discount for enrolled RGCR students, and other eligible parties)
To register your interest, contact Rob Gutteridge: robjgutteridge@gmail.com.au
Mobile: 0434965434
The workshop will only go ahead when 4 or more people register their intention to attend. An invoice will then be sent, together with materials list and detailed course content.

Rob Gutteridge, graphite on paper, 2019.