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Summer School 2020: Russian academic approach to figure drawing and painting – Registration of Interest

Rob Gutteridge, graphite on paper, 2018.

Rob Gutteridge, graphite on paper, 2018.

In this Summer School I teach my understanding of Russian academic figure drawing and painting as taught to me by Professors of Drawing and Painting at the I. Repin Russian Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Russia.

In July 2018 I studied academic figure drawing and painting at the Russian Academy’s Summer School. In my Summer School I teach the methods, materials, techniques and purposes underpinning Russian academic drawing and painting of the figure. Students work from life models. Students make 2 portraits (1 painting and 1 drawing), and 2 full figure studies (1 painting and 1 drawing). The medium for painting is oil. Drawings are in graphite pencil on stretched paper.

Dates: 13/1/20 – 24/1/20.
9am – 12pm drawing
12 – 1pm lunch
1 – 6pm painting

80 hours tuition
Where: Rob Gutteridge School of Art (RGCR), 49a, Whitmore Square, Adelaide, SA
Minimum 4 students, maximum 10 students

Cost: $2,000.00 (10% discount for enrolled RGCR students, and other eligible
parties – see RGCR website: www.RGCR.com.au)
Model fees are included
Students supply their own materials.
Boards for stretching paper supplied by the School
To register your interest, contact Rob Gutteridge: robjgutteridge@gmail.com.au
Mobile: 0434965434

The workshop will only go ahead when 4 or more people register their intention to attend. An invoice will then be sent, together with materials list and detailed course content.

Rob Gutteridge studied academic figure drawing and figure painting at the I. Repin Russian Academy of Arts Summer School, St. Petersburg, Russia, July – August 2018

A photo of many graphite and oil painting figure studies lined up on easels.

Multiple works on easels: final exhibition and evaluation in the teaching studio.

Rob Gutteridge attended the Summer School of the Russian Academy of Arts to find out for himself what makes Russian academic figure drawing and figure painting so distinctive. Throughout his career, Rob has sought out international opportunities to expand his knowledge and skills as an artist and teacher. At the Russian Academy Rob was taught drawing by Professor M. Molyakov, the Academy’s Professor of Anatomical Drawing. Rob considers himself fortunate in this, as Rob was the first teacher in Australia to revive the lost art (lost to Australia) of écorché (anatomical sculpture of a flayed figure). Rob is an autodidact in the study and teaching of human anatomy for artists, which he now teaches at the RGCR. Read More